Ideally we would like you to STOP taking the following about 1 week before your Dermal Fillers:

  • Fish Oils, Omega 3’s
  • Vitamin E & D
  • Anti-inflammatories; Nurofen, Voltaren, Aspirin, St Johns Wort
  • Green Teas or Peppermint Teas,
  • Alcohol
  • And minimize your intake of; garlic, onions, ginger, prunes, berries, oranges, tomatoes, raisins, and vinegar
  • Vaccinations, and other short term autoimmune medications such as antibiotics need a 2 week window before booking your cosmetic injectables appointment.

How to get a good experience with your Cosmetic Injectables:

Ensure you are fit and well.

  • If you are feeling unwell, call to reschedule your appointment. You do not want to have a cough, cold or sinus issue, or cold sores when getting injectables as this will effect your healing and recovery.
  • Also if you have a chest infection, it is not safe to have treatment as this can increase your risk of adverse complications.

Come in with clean, make up free skin.

Allow adequate cool-down time between your workouts and your injectables appointment.

  • If you come to your appointment straight after the gym, ensure you are well hydrated, showered and cooled down.
  • There is increased risk of bruising when you are hot and flushed at the time of injectables, which is why we recommend not to do any intense physical activity for 24 hours post injectables.

Eat well and drink plenty water.

Post Dermal Filler Treatment recommendations:

  • It is normal to experience some tenderness/ redness or swelling during the first 24-48 hours. The worst of the swelling will start to settle down slowly after the first 3 days, and takes about 2 weeks to settle in.
  • 3 days after your lip filler apt, it is time to massage your lips firmly using bepanthen to help glide your fingers during the massage. Massage 3x per day for 3 days.
  • Do not lay on the treatment area for the first 3 days as this may flatten the projected area. It is best to sleep on your back, slightly elevated to avoid undesired results.
  • Use Bepanthen to the treatment area as a protective barrier for the next few days as it has antiseptic and soothing properties
  • Use cool compress to reduce any swelling or bruising
  • Keep your skin clean, ensure you wash your hands adequately if needing to touch the treatment area
  • Change your pillow case and face washer daily for the next 2 days
  • Mineral makeup is OK to use the next day of your treatment
  • Lip stick can be worn 48 hours post lip filler
  • Arnica, available from your pharmacy, is helpful in reducing and healing bruising. It can be applied or taken orally 3 days prior to your treatment and 3-6 days post your treatment to accelerate the healing and bruising process

Best practice AFTER your Dermal Filler Injectables

  • Drink plenty of water as hyaluronic acid loves water, this will provide optimal results
  • Avoid alcohol and nurofen for at least 24-48 hours as alcohol increases your risk of bruising
  • Do not use active ingredients in your skin care for 1 week (e.g. Retinol)
  • Do not engage in strenuous exercise for 48 hours
  • No facials, chemical peels or any other dermal therapies, threading etc for 2 weeks post treatment
  • No flying for 2 weeks as pressure changes on long flights can affect results and increase swelling and complication
  • No spa/saunas for 1 week
  • Use SPF 50+ sunscreen at all times
  • Avoid extreme hot or cold temperatures
  • Wait 2 weeks post treatment for any vaccinations

If you have any concerns post your cosmetic injectable treatment, please be sure to contact your Injector.

Typically, a follow up appointment is available to you at 2-3 weeks after your first injectables treatment, once swelling has settled, and any lumps or bumps under the skin can be massaged out.

The following reactions are very rare, but it is a good idea to know about them and should contact your clinician immediately:

  • Pain at the injection site that is persistent, throbbing or appears to be getting worse
  • Heat, redness or ‘angry’ appearance at/near injection site
  • Tingling, numbness or altered sensation
  • Discolouration of the skin
  • Visual disturbances

Book an appointment with our Cosmetic Nurse Specialist about taking your first step on your journey to finding your self-confidence, ‘so you can learn to re-love the reflection in the mirror!’